Use a computer

Available Computers

  • 8 internet computers available in the front of the library
  • Printer access is available from library computers

Postville Library Internet Policy

The Postville Public Library offers a wireless connection to the library’s internet service. Unfiltered, wireless internet access is provided FREE of charge. The library’s wireless network is open, and thus deemed unsecured.

The Postville Public Library employees do not monitor use and have no control over the information accessed through the internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. Nor does the library assume responsibility for a wireless user’s equipment or software and does not guarantee the security of files or transmissions. The internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population and patrons use it at their own risk. Patrons using the internet are also subject to the library’s Patron Conduct Policy.

  1. Computers and devices are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  2. Please check in with a library staff member before using library devices.
  3. Only parents may restrict their children’s access to library internet resources and usage. The library cannot and will not restrict children’s internet usage.
  4. Only one person may be at a computer at a time, unless help or parental supervision is being given.
  5. Users are responsible for damage or misuse of equipment. Please report computer issues immediately.
  6. No food or drink is allowed near the computers or while using other library internet enabled devices.
  7. The library does not allow for personal files to be saved on library computers/devices. All personal files will be deleted at the end of the day. Users may bring in flash drives or external hard drives to save files.
  8. There is a charge of 10 cents for black and white printing per page and 50 cents per page for color. Patrons are responsible for all sheets printed.
  9. Users may not use the library devices or internet for any illegal activity including, but not limited to: copyright infringement, fraud, gambling, propagation of computer viruses or accessing material deemed to be obscene by Iowa Code 728.1-728.3.

Users shall comply with all terms of use of the internet as set forth in this policy.  Misuse of computers, internet enabled devices, or library internet will result in loss of computer privileges. A warning will be given for the first offense. Second and third warnings given will result in asking the user to leave for the rest of the day. The length of suspension of internet/computer privileges for serious offenses against this policy rests with the library director.